Joint Ventures

Your Business Gateway to the Orient

Joint Ventures: Overview

Joint Ventures: Overview

Whether your interest lies in infrastructure investments or in finding foreign partners for manufacturing, research and development, or high-technology, a great many investment and joint venture possibilities exist within the People’s Republic of China. Doing business through joint ventures has been a hugely successful way of partnering with established businesses around the Pacific Rim. Whether your interest lies in infrastructure investments or in finding foreign partners for manufacturing, research and development, or high-technology, a great many investment and joint venture possibilities exist within the People’s Republic of China.

The advantage of the joint ventures in business is a dramatic lowering of costs, as each partner contributes from their own strengths. An example of this would be where one partner contributes the technology and specifications, and the other provides the labor and manufacturing facility. Another example is where one party provides the funds and another party provides the facilities and labor force. Together these partners can produce a hi tech product at minimal cost, which neither party could afford to develop alone.

By structuring this partnership through a joint venture company, both parties are afforded a chance of substantial income, with no risk to their existing asset base.

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